Written by Lisa D’Amour
Directed by Lane Allison
Lane Allison
Jason Britt
Hugh Kinslow
Edmund Shaff
Jennifer Sorenson
Stage managed by Jennifer Davis
Jennifer Sorenson’s LA Stage Times Article, “First Person:IFIMS-Let’s Talk”
Written and Directed by and Starring: Jennifer Sorenson
Lane Allison
Jay Blair
Jennifer Lynn Davis
Jim Hanna
Ferrell Marshall
Judy Nazemetz
Skip Pipo
Elizabeth Southard
OMG! The trailer I filmed with Sara Koukios, starring the very funny cast, of and for “I Fart in My Sleep: Confessions of An Embarrassing Life” (IFIMS) is getting some buzz! Check out what Colin Mitchell says on Bitter Lemons.
The long and short of it is simple: Jennifer Sorenson‘s work sparked so much creativity in all of us, to want to strive to have her brilliant story told!
This was my latest play with The Production Company. To see my other ProdCo credits, visit my bio.
“Other memorable characters include … a project manager (Allison), who describes in Edie McClurg mode the many types of cubicles she’s called home (“At one place, they didn’t have any cubes, there were just desks, eight of us all at desks with little phone lines, little buttons that light up when you’re on them. I’m going: ‘Oh my career is really taking off now.’”)” http://www.stagescenela.com/2012/03/working/
Directed by: August Viverito
Musical Direction by: Richard Berent
Choreography by: Nancy Dobbs Owen
Produced and Asst. Directed by: TL Kolman
Lane Allison
Kurt Andrew Hansen
Michael D’Elia
Margaret Dwyer
Harmony Goodman
Randy Wade Kelley
Larry Lederman
Judy Nazemetz
Pamela Taylor
Michael Zeminick
Stage Managed by Christopher Carver and CB Spencer
Directed by: August Viverito
Lane Allison
Jay Blair
Margaret Dwyer
Daniel Halden
Jim Hanna
TL Kolman
Skip Pipo
CB Spencer
Stage Managed by: Judy Nazemetz
Directed by: Lane Allison
Produced and Stage Managed by: Jennifer Sorenson
Dan Alemshah
Tiffany Cole
Margaret Dwyer
Ferrell Marshall
Renee Scott
Johnny Patrick Yoder
David Youse
Directed by: Dawn Meyer
Produced by: Jennifer Sorenson
Lane Allison
Christopher Carver
Roslyn Cohn
Rainy Fields
Jim Hanna
David Lombard
Judy Nazemetz
Renee Scott
Jennifer Sorenson
Abby Wilde
Stage Managed by: Tiffany Cole
Directed By: Courtney Munch
Produced by: Title 3
Lane Allison
Lorene Chesley
Danielle Kennedy
Molly Leland
Jane Montosi
Jihae Park